June 20, 2011

Countdown to RWA 2011

One week from today will be the start of the Romance Writers of America conference in New York City. I know many of you are shifting into full gear for your preparations. What to bring? What to leave home? Which of your "conference clothes" to press into service, which to retire for this year? Sorting shoes. Etc., etc.

Leslie needs to be there over the weekend due to RWA board business. The kids and I will be joining her and doing our thing in NYC. I'll be in and around the conference hotel until at least Tuesday night, possibly Wednesday. If you're there and want to say hi please let me know.

One of the conference related events I do plan to attend will be the "Readers for Life" Literacy Autographing on Tuesday June 28th from 5:30 to 7:30. Leslie will be signing both as Leslie Kelly and Leslie Parrish. Since they seat the authors alphabetically I'm not sure how they pull that off but if anybody can make it work it'll be Leslie. Check out the link at RWA for the full list of who will be signing:

I'll be making the rounds saying hi to a few friends and also just maybe asking a few folks if they'd like to be guests on the Secrets BlogTalk Radio show. If you have a favorite author you'd like to hear on the show drop me a line and I'll see what I can do. I may even be doing some live updates so stay tuned.

Gotta run for now. Too many things to decide on for next week like, what shows to see and do I want Junior's or Lindy's cheesecake...


Leah Braemel said...

I hope to meet you there, Bruce, as well as Leslie. Gizmo Guy will be there with me, and will be wandering around at the signing. Maybe you can convince him finally to agree to be interviewed ;)

Bruce said...

We can try to touch base sometime after you guys get there but if not definitely at the signing. I saw your name on the list and was planning to stop by anyway.

Silver James said...

I'll see you at the signing if you wander past my spot, if not before, and I hope you manage to stick around another day. Leslie mentioned you might get to stay through Wednesday morning. I'm getting in Monday afternoon and working the registration desk first thing Tuesday so hopefully we'll bump into each other at some point. And you did have to mention cheesecake, didn't you! Bad Bruce!!! ;-)